And she’s done!

Actually to be completely honest, she’s been done for a couple of weeks now. Life has been crazy and I felt like I didn’t want to list this machine until I had more of a handle on my schedule - maybe finished with another project (see Service Projects), and oh I don’t know… how about a little time for art and quilting?

Ok - enough of all that! Meet our lovely lady - all cleaned up and ready to be sold.

It’s fun to see how these machines turn out. Take a moment to watch the videos to see how she sews or check out the gallery below to see some of her transformations.

To learn more about how to purchase this machine and to read the final write up of what was done, check out her sale page.

I hope you enjoyed following along as I worked to bring this lady back to her best possible self.


I hope you enjoy these before and after images!

Now available for $995.00 at Stitch! 1939 Singer 221 Featherweight, SN AF248100

1939 Singer 221 Featherweight, SN AF248100 Now available for $995.00 at Stitch!

Listen to her motor and watch her sew in this short video.

A bit more stitching and a surprise visit from my sewing buddy, Carmen!


Tearing down and cleaning the machine.