Tearing down and cleaning the machine.
The next item on the agenda is tearing down the machine for cleaning. This isn’t just a spit shine! When we’re talking ‘cleaning’ we mean it!
All the moving parts except the counterballance in the nose of the machine are removed. As are the tension unit, lamp, bobbin tension and winder, flywheel, front extension tray, hook assembly, feed dogs, and the stitch regulator. Oh, and the motor and all electrical come off now as well. (I know! I posted about servicing the motor before this post but, please forgive my non-liner blogging. I’m new. :D
Once all the parts have been removed we have two choices - clean that hull inside and out, or start by cleaning and prepping all the internal parts.
This time around I went for the second option and spent a pleasant evening with my ultrasonic cleaner. Oh the difference that cleaner can make! All my chrome and greasy parts that are safe to wash in this manner (nothing painted can be cleaned this way) came out beautifully. I sort of wish I’d filmed the dirt just lifting off the faceplate. It was a site to see.
Once all the internals are complete, it’s back to the hull. I start by cleaning all the old grease on the gears away. Then I use a LOT of long cotton swabs to removed all the old grease and led that’s stuck on the inside walls of the hull. We leave two forks inside the machine (usually) so this can be tricky.
When I’m satisfied that the inside is looking good, I move on to the nose of the machine and clean what I can there. Then it’s the bottom - were I try to make it look as nice as I can by removing any odd splatters (there is always paint overspray that sticks around) and laminated oil.
Now that the inside is all shiny, it’s time to work on those years of built up dirt on the body. I check again with my black light to see which areas the shellac is missing from so I can be more careful off them. Then it’s time for the long process of loosening and lifting what amounts to baked on grime.
I follow that up with a nice waxing polish and she’s ready to go back together!