Meet my friend Geri’s 221 Singer Featherweight!

Geri’s machine was manufactured at the Elizabethport, New Jersey factory, and was part of a 50,000 unit lot commissioned on October 14th, 1953. She’s seen a lot of years and you can only imagine the amazing things that she made!

  • As part of her service, the case was cleaned and polished. Her motor, lamp, light switch, bed extension, the flywheel with belt, and the front hook assembly were removed.

  • The lead was removed from the lamp and new wires were soldered on.

  • The motor was cleaned, brushes checked, commutator polished and oil wicks replaced.

  • The feed dog height was checked as was the condition of the strike plate behind the hook assembly. The timing, presser foot height, and foot alignment were corrected.

  • The hull was polished as mush as possible taking care to preserve the decals that were in place.

  • After re-assembly, the bobbin and upper tensions were adjusted and test sewing was preformed including a new face place cover.

Check out the images below for some before and after shots or watch the videos to the right for a better look at the process.


See how it was done and take a closer look at the before and after of each stage of this service project.


Our first service project. (Copy)